Publications and Presentations


Kandidatuppsats i lingvistik vid Stockholms universitet. ”Anpassningsstrategier i lajvspråk” (handledare: Päivi Juvonen)


Poster.”Lajvspråk i den riktiga världen.” SLING 2005. 28–29 april, 2005

Artikel. Vejdemo, Susanne. 2005. Tolklangs in the “Real” World. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on J.R.R. Tolkien's Invented Languages, Stockholm.


Conference Presentation. InformationConference Presentation om Lingolympiader, SLING 2007. 26-27 April, 2007

Magisteruppsats i lingvistik vid Stockholms universitet. “Skarp, vass och sharp – semantiska relationer hos tre perceptionsadjektiv” (handledare: Maria Tamm och Ulrika Kvist Darnell)


Conference Presentation. ”The changing nature of Swedish GIRLs – report on a corpus study on lexical change” Annual Meeting of the Michigan Linguistic Society, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 31, 2009


Conference Presentation. (With Hunter Lockwood). ”There is no thermostat in the forest - the semantics and sociolinguistics of temperature in Ojibwe”, Workshop on Temperature in Language and Cognition, Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, 19-20 Mars 2010

Conference Presentation (With Hunter Lockwood). ”There is no thermostat in the forest - the semantics and sociolinguistics of temperature in Ojibwe” 16th Annual Anishinaabemowin Teg. Language Conference. (Främst en icke-akademisk modersmåltalarkonferens med fokus på kultur och språkbevarande – samma titel som Conference Presentationet i Stockholm, men annat fokus på språkförändring snarare än typologi) Sault St Marie, March 24-28, 2010.

Conference Presentation. ”Cross-linguistic Lexical Change: Why, How and How Fast?”, Workshop in General Linguistics (WIGL) 8, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 24-25, 2010

Conference Presentation. (with Hunter Lockwood).''Talking about Temperature in Anishinaabemowin”. Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, University College of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, 30 april-1 maj, 2010.

Conference Presentation. ”How do semantic categories influence rates of cross-linguistic lexical change?” 2nd LEipzig Students' Conference in Linguistics (LESCOL), 1 September, 2010.

Conference Presentation. To Database Meaning: Building the Typological Database of Temperature Terms. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Linguistic Society, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 23, 2010

Conference Presentation. (With Erica Wicks). "'Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande' Searching for a Proto-Indo-European basis for the humoral systems of Hippocrates and the Ayurveda through historical linguistics". Annual Meeting of the Michigan Linguistic Society, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 23, 2010

Artikel. ”Cross-linguistic Lexical Change: Why, How and How Fast?”, Proceedings of the Workshop in General Linguistics (WIGL) 8, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 24-25, 2010

Artikel. (With Hunter Lockwood) Artikel. "Talking about Temperature in Anishinaabemowin". Proceedings of the Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, University College of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, 30 april-1 maj, 2010.


Conference Presentation. "Evolution of Semantic Systems - the Swedish part of an international research project", Seminar at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution about EOSS.


(submitted, with Hunter Lockwood) Book chapter. "The Ojibwe temperature term system - Notes on lexical semantics, sociolinguistics and extended meanings"

(submitted, with Sigi Vanderwinkel) Book chapter. "Extended uses of temperature terms across languages".


is a Swede living in New York. She has PhD in linguistics, is a former editor at LinguistList, an impro theatre enthusiast, and wife of Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson


You can email me at susanne squigglysign vejdemo dot se or skype me at "susvej". I'm also on Facebook.